Blue Springs Cake Smash Photographer ~ Dinosaur Cake Smash

I love that the mom picked the theme for this cake smash session to be dinosaurs! I have done several dinosaur themed cake smash’s but not for a GIRL!

Blue Springs Cake Smash Photographer

I did this girls newborn session, twice in fact because she wasn’t having it the first time. She was a little little bitty thing and she still is petite as can be! She is however not just walking but RUNNING and she was all over the place for her session! She keeps her momma busy that’s for sure! One thing these littles do at their cake smash session almost every single time is put their foot in the cake.

Pink Dinosaur Cake Smash Session

AND they always prefer to pick tiny crumbs off the floor, and play with the wooden spoon instead of the cake.

Cake smash photo session

We make a giant mess and then get cleaned up! Cake smash session complete with adorable bath photos!


Richmond Missouri Photographer ~ Cake Smash Session


Carrolton Missouri Newborn Photographer ~Newborn Session